1. You will need to install a program on your computer first. Download the FREE 3rd Party program WinRAR.
2. To Download WinRAR, click on Download Now button.
3. You will see the program downloading in the bottom left corner. When it finishes downloading, Double-Click to open.
4. Select Install.
5. Click OK
6. Click Done
7. This window will appear which will tell you that the Program WinRAR has been installed. You can close this window.
8. Open your internet browser and Log In to
9. In My Library view, click on the BLUE Download button.
10. Click on One-Click MP3 Zip Download and it will download to your Download folder on your computer.
11. Once the Zip is downloaded, right click on the tiny arrow on the side of the download and select Show in folder.
12. Right-Click on the Zip file and select Extract Here
13. You will see the files Extracting to the main folder.
14. SUCCESS! You can now play each file of your audiobook!